April 24, 2020
Back to NewsALEXANDRIA, IN – In compliance with the CDC recommendations for limiting public gatherings due to the Coronavirus, Gaither Management and Inspiration Cruises & Tours have made the difficult decision to reschedule the Gaither Alaskan Homecoming Cruise:
July 25-August 1, 2020 Alaskan Homecoming Cruise is officially rescheduled for July 24-31, 2021
According to Inspiration Cruises & Tours President Steve Dick, “While we regret the postponement of the Gaither Homecoming Alaska Cruise in July 2020, it was the right and reasonable thing to do. We are happy to be rescheduling this wonderful worship-filled cruise to July 2021. Each passenger currently booked on the 2020 cruise can easily transfer their booking to the 2021 cruise.”
“I can’t tell you how much Gloria and I look forward to the Alaskan Cruise each year, however we recognize how necessary it is to do whatever we can to keep each other safe and healthy during this unprecedented time,” states multi-Grammy winner and Gaither Vocal Band founder, Bill Gaither, “we hope you will understand and will be a part of the celebration next July.”
Gaither Management and Inspiration Cruises & Tours are looking forward to having you join us in 2021 for seven incredible days when we once again present the message of hope through music in the Majesty of Alaska.