Just like all doting grandparents, Bill and Gloria are savoring these long summer days and spending as much time as possible with their (clearly brilliant) grandchildren. Here are a few of the fun moments Gloria has captured on her camera. We hope you are enjoying your summer and capturing all your own priceless moments with your favorite people, too!
Here is Bill with Amy’s youngest son, Simon, showing off their best smiles. Notice Simon’s Shakespeare shirt, as he is truly a Shakespearean actor! He and his big sister, Madeleine, both were actors in DePauw University’s Shakespeare Festival this summer.
Here Madeleine and her big brother, Lee, enjoy his time home from college with some clowning around…
…and here’s a sweet sibling shot, too. 🙂
During Family Fest, Madeleine and her friend Hannah savored some fresh Krispy Kremes!
Here Simon shows what he can do with some Legos. (Great job, buddy!)
Benjy Gaither and his son, Liam, enjoy some (apparently “hair-raising”) male bonding…

And here Benjy’s youngest child, Mia, is enjoying her playhouse by the creek.

There’s nothing sweeter than those quiet moments before bedtime. Here Liam and Mia enjoy a bedtime book.

The eldest Gaither grandkids, Suzanne’s boys Will and Jesse, make some music in the gazebo.
Suzanne and Melody (Benjy’s wife) relax at a cook-out by the creek.
The summer has also held some sweet moments professionally, too. Here, Gloria captures a photo of Bill, Buddy Greene and Dony McGuire working together during the evening session of the Gaither Songwriting Intensive last month. (She adds, it was an amazing weekend with serious learners!)
Benjy has been busy this past month promoting the release of the soundtrack of “The Last Ride” (a movie he directed and for which he produced all the music). Here Benjy is pictured with Jett Williams and Mike Huckabee during his appearance on the Huckabee show.
So as you can see, the first month of summer has been filled with great memories here. The Gaither family wishes all of you a joy-filled summer packed with your own unforgettable memories and intentional, quality time with those you love!