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August 29, 2014

These Last Few Days…

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“This past week was filled with family and summer food and music, just as it should be, just as I remembered when everyone was still home.  But this time in our lives is even better because, like the great bounty of my summer garden, our family has the wonderful bounty of the delightful people who have married our children and the grandchildren they have all given us. When everyone pulled out to go back to their homes, there were in the corners of the rooms Spiderman characters, dolls and buggies, puzzles and games, and the empty places where furniture had been shoved aside to make room for the guitars and small amps they love to bring–all to remind  us of how blessed we are.  Daughters and sons have become friends and peers.  Their choices of life partners are far better than we would have ever been able to choose for them, and the children they are bringing up (three now in college and one looking for colleges) are a joy to have sharing in stimulating conversation around our old oak table.  From kindergarten to college, grandchildren are a blessing!  Thankful.  We are thankful.”    – Gloria Gaither



These last few days have been a joyous celebration
Excerpt from ‘A Book Of Simple Prayers’ by Gloria Gaither

Lord, these last few days have been a joyous celebration of family. 

Four generations sat at the breakfast table

talking and laughing,

telling stories and breaking bread.

Two little men read the Scriptures they had chosen to share

which included the Revelation promise

“…and He shall wipe all tears from their eyes

and there shall be no more sorrow or pain or dying…

All things shall be made new.”

Could it be that these moments around our wooden table

in the trees at the cabin we built so long ago,

might last forever?

Thank You for these sweet glimpses of life

as You intended and will one day restore.

Thank You for the hope that at the Table there will be no one missing,

no gnawing loneliness for someone separated from the rest.

And in that day we will all be free

from our faults and failures

and distilled into our purest selves.

We will all know that only these simple pleasures

have survived the refining fire burn-off

and our joy will be –

as You promised –


Today we may be short with each other.

We may get weary of forgiving and asking for forgiveness.

We may be thoughtless or rude or selfish

or oblivious of each others’ needs and feelings.

But thank You for these last few simple, joyful days in the woods

where You revealed a hint of how much we could love each other

and how dear one really is.

I will carry that diamond

in the pocket of my heart today.


A Book Of Simple Prayers

by Gloria Gaither