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March 6, 2013

Keeping Your Head in Success or Failure – Words of Wisdom from Bill Gaither…

Keeping Your Head in Success or FailureWords of Wisdom from Bill Gaither… “One of my favorite poems, which I have prominently mounted on a plaque on my office wall, is Rudyard Kipling’s classic “If.”  The poignant piece begins with the statement: If you can keep your head when all about youAre losing theirs and blaming … Continued

February 27, 2013

Mark Lowry Returns to Spring Tour

We are pleased to report that Mark Lowry’s doctor has given him the green light to rejoin the 2013 Gaither Vocal Band Tour starting this weekend!  We are so happy he is on the mend, and we know you are too! Mark broke his leg January 3, and the injury required surgery and physical therapy, … Continued

February 14, 2013

Gaither Vocal Band Kicks Off 2013 Tour with Three Sold-Out Concerts

(Alexandria, IND – February 11, 2013)  The 2013 Gaither Concert Tour kicked off this weekend with three sold out Gaither Vocal Band concerts in Lafayette, Louisiana, Houston, Texas, and Longview, Texas.   Mark Lowry, who broke his femur in a fall on January 3, made an appearance Friday night in his hometown of Houston by … Continued

February 6, 2013

Skype Interview with Janet Paschal

Is God Listening?  If anyone out there has been praying but Heaven seems silent, you are not alone. This interview is for you. Today we are reposting an inspiring Skype interview from the past in which Janet Paschal discussed a season in her life when prayers she prayed for years were finally answered, clearly and … Continued

January 28, 2013

Dreaming of Warmer Days? Kevin Williams has a good idea.

Here in Indiana, we are experiencing freezing temperatures and snow!  And when we spoke to Kevin Williams a few days ago, he reported that temperatures have also plummeted in Nashville, where he lives. So, naturally, our minds are drifting to thoughts of warmer days!  So this seemed like the perfect time to start dreaming about … Continued

January 23, 2013

Exciting TV Announcement!

  We are excited to announce that Angel One (Dish Channel 262) will now air weekly Gaither Homecoming specials!   Watch Angel One every Saturday evening at 6:30 PM Eastern, and again at 1:00 AM for a weekly Gaither Homecoming TV special! Be sure to check your local listings for air times in your time … Continued

January 18, 2013

Tweets Of The Week – 1/18/13

Twitter was all over the map this week! Your Homecoming friends tweeted about their friends, their families, the weather… and leg staples?!          

January 18, 2013

“Bring Him Home” by David Phelps

The classic story known as Les Miserables is currently enjoying a resurgence of attention and awards after the December 2012 release of Les Miserables in movie theatres across the world.  The movie is endearing new audiences to the powerful, timeless story, which originated with Victor Hugo’s enduring novel and later was made into a musical … Continued

January 11, 2013

Tweets Of The Week – 1/11/13

  Well, we had some ‘Theme Tweets’ this week– and they came in pairs! Here are the subjects being covered: 1) Beards 2) Funny Gospel Moms and 3) Accident-Prone GVB Members (Get well soon, Mark!)            

January 9, 2013

Mark Lowry Suffers Broken Leg

Mark Lowry suffered a broken femur as the result of a fall at his home on January 3rd. Mark has a long road to recovery, but is in good spirits as he begins physical therapy. He has rescheduled his January concerts and you can see the changes at his website: Mark and his office … Continued